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What is a Big Match Lighter? Price and Using

05-14 124 My Store

This handy tool is designed specifically for big match moments, with a long stem that allows you to safely light candles, stoves, grills, and more.

What is a Big Match Lighter?

A Big Match Lighter is a long-stemmed lighter that is designed to handle big match moments.   These moments might include lighting a campfire, starting a charcoal grill, or lighting a candle in a deep jar.          Unlike traditional lighters, which can be difficult to use in these situations, the Big Match Lighter features a long stem that allows you to safely reach flames that might otherwise be out of reach.
What is a Big Match Lighter? Price and Using
Price: $16.99

Benefits Big Match Lighter

Length: a long stem that is at least 8 inches in length. This will allow you to safely reach flames without putting your hands too close to the fire.
Grip: a comfortable grip that feels good in your hand. You'll be using this tool to start fires, so it's important to choose one that feels secure and easy to hold.
Fuel: Some models use butane

How to Use a Big Match Lighter Safely and Effectively

How to Use a Big Match Lighter Safely and Effectively

Keep the lighter away from your face and clothing while in use.
Hold the lighter with a firm grip and keep your hands and fingers away from the flame.
When lighting a candle or other flame, hold the Big Match Lighter at a 45-degree angle to the wick.
If the flame goes out, wait a few seconds before trying to relight it.
Always store your Big Match Lighter in a safe and secure location, away from heat and flames.